First Name Required
Last Name Required
E-mail Address Required
What kind of work do you do? Where? Required
Links Required
Please give us any links where we can learn more about you like a website, portfolio, twitter, linkedin, a video, an image, a project etc..
Are you ITP Faculty?
Yes No
Are you an ITP Alumnus?
Are you an ITP Camp Alumnus?
Have you been to an ITP Show?
Are you an ITP Friend-of-Friend?
What do you hope to learn, do, or experience at ITP Camp? Required
What skills, knowledge, interest, or expertise do you have that you can share with the ITP Camp community? What sort of workshop, discussion, or session will you run at ITP Camp? Required
Do you live in New York?
If No, where will you be traveling from?
Is there anything else we should know?