
Political Capital

Charles Berkeley Miller

Political Capital is a board game of electoral strategy as players race for the Presidency.


Classes Thesis

Political Capital invites three players to run for the Presidency of the United States in this board game of electoral strategy. Players are each given thirty turns (and two debates) to maneuver through the country in hopes of garnering support for Election Day, where each state will be represented by the roll of a six-sided die. Since this roll will determine who wins the state and its Electoral Votes – players vie to capture the sides of each of the 51 dice to improve their chances. Players must manage the resources of time and money in order to build support.

Political Capital is designed to feel like a throwback board game from the 1960's... complete with rich strategy, balanced yet simple rules, and engaging play. While not trying to simulate the election process, Political Capital encourages electoral strategy and propagates the political process as something enjoyable and game-like.

For more information, please visit www.VictoryMechanics.com

I have been working on Political Capital for about a year. It serves as my thesis of study at ITP. It is meant to be educational, well balanced as a game, and a place to begin a conversation about the presidential election process.

The game has been user tested extensively with several different demographics. The most important of these tests came with 7th graders at a Brooklyn charter school. All three students were minorities and found politics "boring." After 2 hours (a full game of Political Capital), all three admitted that it had only felt like they had been playing for 15 minutes (they were engrossed), that the strategy was exciting and all were asking smart questions about the real Presidential election process. While everyone can enjoy the depth of strategy Political Capital presents, this age range of adolescence is my target audience.

User Scenario
At the ITP show, I would like to have the game setup and allow players to take a turn in the game and get a taste for the rules and experience. Each day of the show, I hope to complete one full game by having about 90 different people "share" the game (30 turns per game player for 3 players in a usual game).

The game is completed and ready.