ITP Spring Show 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2-6pm & Monday, May 11, 5-9 pm

Andrew Jordan
Mustafa Bagdatli

The Funkiest Kitchen

A absurdist sound sculpture made from solenoid motors, measuring cups, saw blades, water, and a sink.

Introduction to Physical Computing,Thinking Physically

A vision both absurd and familiar, "*#!*" is a kitchen sink that can be played by standing on a pair of rocking shoes, shoes built like rocking chairs that leave you swaying to and fro. The sound sculpture, made from solenoid motors, measuring cups, water, and a sink, is controlled by user activated sensors, ropes, and moving forward and backward in the strange shoes. If you are able to stand still on the rocking shoes and stay quiet, you can hear the subtle sounds of slowly moving water from the sink through directional spearks above your head.

Similar to R. Mutt's urinal, this one is a call for people to awaken the creativity that comes from life's ordinary and mundane. Sound artist Trimpin has spent time on solenoid instruments and his work serves as inspiration for this project as well.

This one is truly for everbody. Fun to pass by, but fun also to interact with more intimately. Our target audience is everyone. It is meant to be interesting in different ways for different people. We strove to bring to life several different interactive concepts in this project for this reason.

User Scenario
There are three phases of interaction with "Sink." Passers by will receive a wave from the sink's soap dispenser, while those who choose a more intimate interaction can mount the rocking shoes in front and manipulate the mechanisms inside the sink. If one is able to stand still on the shoes, they will hear the sounds of water from inside the sink in the directional speaker above them.

We have finished wiring and building the sink. The main tasks that remains is debugging the user interaction and refining the sounds emanating from the directional speaker so that that element is more present. We also will beautify the circuit positioning so that the wires are all hidden and dampen the noise more so it's no louder than conversation volume. We have built out systems for one lever and one rope that will act as triggers for mechanical instruments, but have not yet mounted them in the sink.