Marcela Godoy
Michell Johanna Cardona

Meet Mr. Michael Bugson

The Moonwalking Lady Charming Mr. Bugson ready for the Shuffle step.

Mechanisms and Things That Move

Mr. Bugson is a mechanically driven bot that shuffles/walks his way to you or away from you. He likes to moon walk his way and charm the ladies with his smooth ways.

Our research was founded mostly in making physical things. We made four bar linkage mechanism, we made and looked at the Theo Jansen Leg mechanism and we also looked into the Klann mechanism which is what we ended up using for Mr. Bugson. We used different modes of working in conceptualizing the bot from drawing by hand to drawing on the computer and to making physical models testing out the mechanism we were researching.

Adults with a phobia of bugs.

User Scenario
Any flat surface with a good looking lady. Mr. Bugson likes kids too though it's a little weird. Seriously we only need a flat surface on which he can do his moon walk.

Michael Bugson is made of two DC geared motors from Korea and donated* in the ER by Dr. Leo Kang, orange mat board, 3/16″ plywood, 3/16″ acrylic, metal washers, hot glue, binding post, electrical wire, a cellphone battery, a button borrowed from Zeven Rodriguez, and googlely eyes straight up from Spanish Harlem.

I think I discovered that making things move is no easy task. Gears pop, materials weigh down on motors and sometimes there is a lot one can do when you step outside the box to create things based on real communication and working together.