Nahanaeli Schelling

What is our obsession with hyper and over documentation of the spaces and places we exist in? What information are we afraid to lose? Are we trying to declare our existence through the hyper and over documentation of our lives? How do we experience the spaces that surround us? Are they perceived through the experience of the other or through their psycho-geographical effect? How are we affected by living in this four-walled world? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

We live in a small world. We can see a person who is physically miles away through the intimacy of our computer screen. We can exchange information almost instantly. The time it takes to receive a declaration of love has been reduced from months to weeks to hours, to miliseconds. We live in a world where you can “travel” around the globe from the comfort of your room. We live in a timeless world where a perfectly crafted simulacra awaits to satisfy our every desire. We “surf” the internet rather then surf the waves. And if we ever get that chance to ride the ocean, we perceive the experience through the lenses of what we have already seen on YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr and other sites.

Although the internet exists without space, it directly reflects the spatial world that it is accessed through. The internet is an archive of knowledge about or applicable to the physical world. And the physical world is defined by the limitations of our bodies. So when does it reflect our own limitations? When does it fail as a tool? When are the things that are impossible in the real world also impossible in the digital world.

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010