
Tommy Payne

Biolumix is series of 3D printed, bioluminescent objects of body adornment for humans in a speculative future world. The designs aim to bridge the natural world with technologic applications and forms of interaction.


Biolumix is a series of living, 3D printed wearables inspired by the traits of bioluminescent creatures. Bioluminescence is a fascinating chemical reaction producing light. There are four evolutionary advantages of bioluminescence: communication, camouflage, attraction and repulsion. I transposed these evolutionary advantages into a speculative human context in the form of a wearable to represent each advantage based on a specific creature: an intimacy system (lanternfish), a confusion device (bobtail squid), a flirtation tool (jellyfish), and a rejection tactic (algae). My hope is that these wearables will spark conversation and interest about our relationship to these species.

