Shlomit Lehavi

Magic Door 2.0

science fiction becomes reality in this installation that pays homage to the legendary Israeli TV series from the '70s "Magic Door"

2X2,Project Development Studio (Danny)

Around 30 years ago, in the early '70s, I happened to participate, in what later became a legendary TV series entitled "The Magic Door". There was only one black and white television channel in Israel at the time. "The Magic Door" was an educational show which aimed to teach kids how to be safe in the street. The show used magic and science fiction to convey its message, demonstrated by a big eye with a screen inside it, that showed the outside world in real time. When a dangerous situation occurred, the magician's store went haywire and the magician used a magic wheel to pan over the streets to find the location of the danger. Once located, the magician used a magic bell to make the person in danger appear in the store instantly. 30 years later, the concept of live surveillance cameras has become a common phenomenon, as well as the ability to locate people using global positioning.
In my installation I examine the evolution of these concepts from science fiction into reality.