Emily Ryan

The Bike Pedaler

The Bike Pedaler is a program that assists you in the process of searching for a bike on craigslist by making it fun and visually appealing.


Introduction to Computational Media

The Bike Pedaler is a project that improves the user experience on Craigslist. The vast amount of information and rather dry and boring layout of Craigslist can overwhelm and turn off potential users. New York Pedaler seeks to assist those citizens of Manhattan wanting to purchase a local and affordable bicycle. Users click the cloud to filter by neighborhood and bicycles will begin floating on the screen. When the user rolls over each bike they can view the price and vital information for each bike available for purchase. Once they find a potential bike they are interested in learning more about they will be able to drop the bike into a basket. Once in the basket users can evaluate all potential bikes for purchase and view the full description, photos, etc.

City dwellers in Manhattan seeking a new/used bike without a hefty price tag.