ITP Camp 2023

Circle Packing Party

Date: June 24, 2023 1:30-3pm

Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)

Tags: #algorithmicart #programming #generativeart #code

I get really excited about circle packing and use it in a lot of my art. I have a blog post thats been brewing in my brain for a while and I wanna share and nerd out about why I am so interested in this problem. At a high level, the type of packing I'm talking about is let's put a bunch of shapes on the screen and not have them overlap. Cool. Can we do it better? What does better mean? In particular I'm really excited about how algorithmic choices effect the feel of the final piece of art.

If this description feels scattered it's because my thoughts are too. This will be a very unpolished excitement dump. Hopefully this will get me closer to collecting those thoughts in a sharable manner....