ITP Camp 2023

P5 Party! Making Art By Playing Games

Date: June 23, 2023 4-6pm

Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)

Tags: #Art #play #p5 #code #create #fun #collaborate

You may have considered using p5 or code in general to make a game. But what if writing the code was the game instead?? And the prize at the end was dope art??? My artistic practice is fundamentally playful.

This will be a workshop in using p5.js in sillly ways to make sillly things. Please come regardless of any programming or even p5.js experience.

The art that is made will be fundamentally different if you come or don’t come. Each person in the room will be a part of what is created and what will be created will only be possible with those exact people in that exact minute and a little bit of random joy (cause that’s my brand).

Some examples of games me might play:

P5 exquisite corpse- without preplanning at all let’s make a piece of art by each adding a line of code (if you aren’t comfortable with coding or know how to do what you want to do there will be plenty of help and support)

Restricted prompts- what can you make with only one shape? Only one color. P5.js is super vast and can do a ton. It can be intimidating and overwhelming to start. But what if you were only able to use a triangle? What about a specific triangle?

Recreation and inspiration- i get inspired by things I see every where all the time. I often take pictures. I later revisit those and attempt to write code to capture a piece of what excited me. It could be fun to walk through that practice together. We would probably get inspired by something in the room we are in (y’all were dope clothing and jewelry)

Code golf art- there is an incredible practice of making tweet length pieces of art or instructions for art (see This is another form of using restrictions and limitations as inspiration

All in all I promise fun and silliness will be had. We may do none of the above but those are a few starting places.

Currently, I am putting the session as hybrid but I will be more focused on the experience of the people in the room but you are welcome to hang out. I dont know how well the games will all work remotely.