Web Animation 101
Date: June 20, 2023 4:30-6:30pm
Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)
Tags: #web • #webdev • #animation • #css • #JavaScript • #gsap
Material and practice file: https://usankycheng.notion.site/ITP-Camp-2023-Web-Animation-101-1028e27321994a16b0fd294d8370f34c
While building a web application is good, incorporating animation and interactions takes it to the next level. In this session, I will provide an introduction to CSS animation, demonstrate how to use JavaScript to manipulate web elements and showcase advanced web interactions using GSAP. We will use interactive typeface as the topic to practice and show your creativity!
Prerequisite: - It will be great if you know some basics of web development (Feel free to watch this 10min video to get some ideas if you had no experience in web dev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YDVJaItmaY).
- Please register an account on codepen, p5 editor, openprocessing, or glitch for sharing your work with others.