Drawing Characters, Drawing Ideas: What You/We See Is How We/You Think (see new revised description)
Date: June 24, 2024 5-6:30pm
Session Leaders: Philip Sanders
Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)
Tags: #drawing • #ideas • #character design • #live clothed model

New updated description
Studio 4 What You/We See Is How You/We Think. OPEN STUDIO with individual drawing, critiques, and/or display of your drawings as desired. Free style drawing and feedback. There will be a live clothed model.
An informal series of mostly stand-alone thinking and drawing sessions – feel free to come to one or multiple sessions. The instruction and feedback is designed for all levels of drawing (and thinking) experience, from beginning to advanced. (Actually, at least by the time you are 10, everyone has advanced experience with both drawing and thinking, – unfortunately, people don’t always recognize that fact, either in themselves or others.)
Whether you use digital or analog media, drawing is shaped by the way you think. This session will be up to you - how you think about objects, characters, and locations as well as how you see and draw. There will be a live clothed model and a random assortment of background reference media. Bring something to draw with, something to draw on, and something to change your mind/erase with (analog or digital). You might want a pad or something to support your drawing surface, especially if you are using paper, or you can use the room's tables.