ITP Camp Rules of Play
Camp is beautiful and Camp is hard. Our constantly shifting structure means that we need to be considerate and inclusive in our learning and making.
We are welcoming. We are a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. We provide a respectful and harassment-free experience for all.
We are respectful. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We approach every situation with care and respect.
We are considerate. We consider how our contributions will affect others in the community.
We are open minded. We embrace new people and new ideas. Our community is continually evolving and we welcome positive change.
We have patience. Camp is a non-traditional learning environment with people of different perspectives and skill levels. We recognize that we all have different backgrounds and technical abilities.
We unpack jargon. The rich diversity of our community means that we all come in with different vocabularies. We avoid assuming that others “know what we're talking about� and explain ourselves clearly.
We make space for everyone. Camp is about sharing. We use the space, time, resources, and equipment respectfully and make sure that our activities do not take away from our colleagues.
As a community, we do not tolerate oppressive behavior, harassment, destructive behavior, or exclusionary actions. Anyone who does not comply with the ITP Camp Rules of Play will be asked to leave ITP Camp.
We value and appreciate the community we're building together.
If you have any questions or concerns related to the ITP Camp Rules of Play, please email or speak to Kate Hartman or Midori Yasuda, or any Camp Counselor.
The ITP Camp Rules of Play were inspired by The TODO group's Open Code of Conduct, P5.JS Code of Conduct, and the Gamma Space Code of Conduct. They were collaboratively developed by the ITP Camp community.