ITP Camp 2018

ITP Camp Blog

Saturday Night Fever

Written by Anthony Bui on June 24, 2018, 12:21am

We're inching closer and closer to the end of camp. Our last Saturday starts off with droopy, hungover eyes. Perhaps it's the afterglow of a fantastic Friday night out at Fat Cats?! But what happened yesterday is long past. Yesterday's mischief is quickly erased by today's excitement, full of inspiring sessions and preparations for the SHOW ALL THINGS SHOW!!!

ACCESS + ABILITY @ The Cooper Hewitt

Counselor Kar starts the morning off with enthusiasm. She invites us on a tour of Cooper Hewitt Design Museum! So much beautiful assistive technology on display.

Controlling Real Lightbulbs with Arduino

Yeseul illuminates our world, showing us a lot about about use and art with light bulbs in various environments.

And Yeseul said: "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" And there was light.

The Human Uprising: Overpopulation, overconsumption, and similar topics that are uncomfortable to discuss

Next, Josh Michaels leads us on an engaging conversation on difficult topics.

Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.

RunwayML: Machine learning for everyone

Cristobal Valenzuela drops by and helps us get really hands on with machine learning. He shows us RunwayML, a desktop application to run and use state of the art machine learning models and connect them to other software.

Time Series Data Workshop

Noah Crowley reminds us that time series data is ubiquitous -- it appears everywhere we measure change.

Effy's heart over time

Build a pair of VR Glasses - DIY tech for all

Julia Moura & Elisa Tan really get us excited with creating functioning VR goggles using plastic bottles and balloons! They share their background and make us think deeply about the challenges of tech education in developing countries.

Make your UX interface interactive! Intro to Sketch + Principle

Michelle Yao shares some UX. Together, we create some cool animation systems and mobile ready prototypes.

Augment Yourself

Counselor Terrick ends the night in digital. He shows campers how to create AR projects on their own.

BWONG!!! Terrick-ception

And last, but not least...

Roland joins the last five minutes of the World Cup viewing party and magically wills a goal for Germany. Party Parrot thanks you.


\m/ Anthony \m/


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