ITP Camp Blog
Camp Weekend II, Saturday Special: Mindful Web-Clubbing in Paris and Off-The-Grid Art for Harry-Potter Magic
Written by Roland on June 10, 2018, 4:03pm
We opened on Saturday with another Kundalini Yoga Brain Break led by Gail - the balanced way to start the weekend!
The morning moved on from yoga-induced brain-body augmentation to Augmented Reality: Effy guided campers through the ins and outs of the use of Unity with AR in Augmented Reality 101 with Weather API. The icing on the cake was the use of real-time weather data from the french capital with an API displayed on a printout of the Eiffel-Tower. Bonjour Paris!
After so much augmentation campers explored everything in the third-dimension in Intro To Maya with Michael: 3d-modeling and rendering tips spiced up this Saturday lunchtime-intro to the software.
The afternoon was dedicated to making music with the web: In Or and Dror’s Making Music with Social Data and Max’s Playing the Internet: Web-Audio basics - campers fully immersed themselves in 3 hours of beats and bleeps powered by the one and only INTERNET! Why go clubbing when you have ITP CAMP?!
While some went web-clubbing on the floor, others went off the grid: How can we untether our prototypes and make them more independent? In Physical Computing: Off the Grid and Into the Wild Cy answered all those questions with an overview on battery, solar, satellite and cellular in an artistic context. Let’s set all of our prototypes free now!
Ideation on your own is good, ideation in a group is even better: Camp is THE place to do that and Anita and Boris took the lead on a meeting about Interactive Spaces: ideas, ideas, ideas were floating around, let’s see what will end up as a prototype at camp show & tell - show.
A good way to move from ideas to real-physical objects is the Z-Brush software. Katya covered that maker’s - journey with Intro to ZBrush: Make any Enclosure You Want. Happy making!
As the daylight slowly faded we started lighting things up with Harry Potter Magic. In Effy’s Use a Leap Motion and Control LEDs Campers did exactly that in a hands-on (or off?) session to finish off the day with building a few tech-powered miracles.
Camp closed for Saturday shortly afterwards and we switched off the lights - Sunday was waiting with new adventures for us brave campers!
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