ITP Camp 2018

Kundalini Yoga Brain Break

This practice is perfect for starting and finishing your projects.

Kundalini Yoga is a technology that harnesses the power of human consciousness, awareness and potential. It powerfully combines the full spectrum of yogic tools: sound, postures, hand positions, body locks, meditation and breath — to help you experience immediate benefits -- more energy, mental clarity, ability to focus, increased intuition, brighter mood, calmer mind, better sleep.

It balances both hemispheres of the brain, clears the cobwebs and takes out the garbage -- the subconscious clutter that gets in the way of creativity and productivity. It helps us to operate from a more neutral, centered, zen state of being.

Each 30 minute class will include exercise sets and a meditation.

Sets: 1)"Becoming Crystal Clear" 2)"To Withstand the Pressure of Time" 3)"Removing Body Blocks" 4)"To Relax & Release Fear" 5)"Outward Bound"

Meditations: 1)"For Beaming and Creating the Future" 2)"For Absolutely Powerful Energy" 3)"To Fight Brain Fatigue" 4)"For Guidance by Intuition" 5)"To Prevent Freaking Out


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