ITP Camp 2018

Slavery at Sea VR experience concept

I have the beginnings of a VR experience that won't get me killed as a result of telling the stories of hundreds and thousand of men and boys who are lured, drugged and trafficked for labor on aircraft carrier size "transshipment vessels" (also known as "ghost fleets") on the hight seas by pirates and human traffickers who prey on some of the most vulnerable men and boys who are Rohyingya's, one of the most persecuted ethnic minorities in the world (hailing from Buddhist Burma/Myannmar but originally Muslims from Bangladesh) who are lured, tricked and dragged onto working in the fishing industry - forced to work without pay under severe conditions on these "floating prisons" for as many as 22 years at a time (though typically less, but MANY years at a time!)

Their illegal overfishing "catches" are taken on smaller boats to sell and then to bring back more men and boys to work as slaves at sea - all so we can have cheap tuna, and other sea food.

Some people never survive or escape, and hundreds per year are literally shot and thrown overboard when they become to sick to work or are seen to be organizing to overthrow their evil overlords. This has been reported by the lucky few who have escaped to tell their stories.

It's time we bring their story to the public. Greenpeace and the Environmental Justice Foundation are two of the best organizations working to expose the problem of Slavery at Sea around the world. One of the worst areas where this takes place is in a "no man's land" areas of the Indian Ocean, the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand where no country has jurisdiction to police their illegal activity! I am hoping to find other ITP campers who might be interested in working with me to build out the experience conceptually and actually in Unity. Here are a few resources that I will be drawing from:


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