Come hither to go yonder in MURDER BALLAD: The Game!
In this multi-player storytelling card game, the high lonesome sounds of murder ballads still echo far and wide, through the hills and hollers of Appalachia, across the dusty western plain where the cactus blossoms bloom, downriver deep in the Mississippi Delta, the Rio Grande, and even far across the ocean through the British Isles...
But as long as guitars will ring and voices regale these grizzly deeds, the victims' ghosts of these woeful age-old songs cannot be laid to rest until their infamous killers' stories are retold and revenge served cold, either by the law or "hill justice" that catches up to them on judgement day. Through a recombinant phraseology of ballad and song lyrics from an array of historical folk traditions, players will steer our old-timey fugitives into new-timey fates, building new songs and casting the villains six feet beneath the clay with updated tombstones befitting their crimes.
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