Physical Computing Project Strategies
Session Leaders: Tom Igoe
Tags: #physical computing • #arduino • #node.js • #processing • #networks • #wifi • #bluetooth • #raspberry pi
Created By: Tom Igoe

Got an idea for a project involving physical computing, electronics, networks, or wireless, and not sure where to begin? Bring your ideas along to this session and we'll discuss. In this session I'll outline some strategies for planning and executing projects that are a mix of hardware, software, communications, and human interaction.
In teaching and managing the physical computing area at ITP, I've seen hundreds of projects go by, and the most successful ones are the ones which planned well in advance, considered the user's behavior before they started building, and chose their tools carefully. We'll talk a little about the strengths and limitations of some tools for electronics projects as well.
Prerequisites: this session is going to be mostly an improv/Q&A session, so it'll work best if you come with project ideas and questions. I'm hoping that others who teach in this area will join the session so we can trade tips and tricks as well.
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