Learn how to kick ass and take down bad guys with the basics of Systema (INTRO class)
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Session Leaders: Chris Kiritz
Tags: ##Systema • ##martial arts • ##self defense • ##personal protection • ##kick ass # learn skills #introduction
Created By: Chris Kiritz

Learn the basics of the practice of a Russian martial art called Systema, which I have trained for 5 years. This is an intro class to the basics of Systema to give you skills to be more safe in the world - wherever you find yourself. Your safety is paramount, and we will be careful not to do any part of Systema that will cause injury to anyone to attends. This is an overview and intro to this awesome martial art.
Systema has four pillars - Breathing, Relaxation, Body Position, and Movement, as well as utilizing an attacker's momentum against him and controlling the six body levers (elbows, neck, knees, waist, ankles, and shoulders) through pressure point application, striking, and weapon applications (this last part will not be demonstrated in this class).
We will go over the basics, pair up, and do group demonstrations while having a lot of fun without actually hurting anyone. I promise! :) You will leave with the knowledge and some skills to be practiced and used in the future.
This is how Wikipedia describes it (some of the text above if from here, too):
Typical training involves drills and sparring without set kata. In Systema, the body has to be free of tension, filled with breath and endurance, flexibility, effortless movement, and explosive potential.
The key to the philosophy of Systema, the "spirit" or psychological state has to be calm, free of anger, irritation, fear, self-pity, delusion, ego and pride.
As a discipline, it is becoming more and more popular among police and security forces and it is taught by several practitioners inside and outside Russia. There are multiple schools of Systema - Systema Kadochnikova, Systema Ryabko, Systema Vasiliev. I have been lucky to train with several of these Masters.
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