ITP Camp 2018

LaGuardia Studio Tour

Session Leaders: Jim

Tags: #3d printing #2d printing

Created By: Jim

This is a tour of NYU's LaGuardia Studio offering museum quality 2D and 3D printing services. The tour will show you examples of other people's work and showcase the printing and scanning capabilities.

You can learn more about LaGuardia Studio here:

As ITP Campers you have access to these services for the duration of camp. When camp is over you will no longer have access, even if you are an alumni. I am running this tour early in the month so you have more time to make use of this opportunity.

This tour is limited to 15 people so if you RSVP please please please make sure you actually attend. If there is high demand I will schedule a second tour.

We will meet by the elevators on the 4th floor of our building and leave promptly at 11:15 for the 11:30 tour. Don't be late! We can walk over together and return after the tour.

The address of LaGuardia Studio is 545 LaGuardia Place, one block south of Washington Square Park.


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