Wireless & Tangible Interactive Media in the era of the Internet Of Shit!? (2nd edition)
Session Leaders: Cedric Honnet
Tags: #Physical Computing • #Tangible Media • #Arduino • #IoT • #WiFi • #OSC • #IMU • #Motion • #Sensors • #Accelerometer • #Gyroscope • #Electronics • #Code • #Coding • #Processing • #Processing.Org • #Visualization • #Sonification
Created By: Cedric Honnet

You will hopefully recognize the reference to the very serious tech watch organization, "Internet Of Shit", otherwise, pardon my french.
Tutorial link: github.com/honnet/ITP
Hardware (1): ESP8266 microcontroller (wemos) + MPU6050 (accelerometer + gyroscope)
Firmware: Arduino (optional intro)
Communication: OSC (+more more possible)
Software: processing.org (or p5.js) for interactive visualization (2) (+ optional: sonification, gesture recognition with wekinator or even re-physicalization with motors...)
Are you a [new] creative coder, music techie, physical computerist, or any kind of curious tinkerer in this area !?
Ever wanted to use wireless motion sensors for real time visualization, sonification? (or re-physicalization!?)
For Wireless & Tangible Interactive Media, motion sensors are probably the simplest and most expressive, but we can look at other sensors for those who are interested (luminosity, noise, etc).
This workshop will be interactive, the idea is to adapt to your need, so the following is an adaptable proposition:
Program idea:
To connect electronic shit on the internet, it makes sense to understand the electronic part a bit, so this session could start with a light introduction for artists, using the intuitive analogy of water-electrons.
We could then briefly see how arduino works for those who don't know, play with the accelerometer data and dive in the wireless communication.
A nice conclusion could be to tinker with processing sketches for visualizations and sound generations...
(1) The hardware is provided so you only need a computer,
(2) An example of motion visualization is available here
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