Beep, Boop Hello World | Python + APIs | Twitter Bot Go
Session Leaders: Josh Schneier
Tags: #python • #bots • #twitter • #api • #code • #programming
Created By: Josh Schneier
Ever wonder how the Slack and Twitter bots of the world (err, internet) work? APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are everywhere. From accessing structured data to listening for real time changes most services offer a way to interact with them in an automated fashion.
We'll talk about the various ways web APIs are structured and how to interact with them using Python. Since the best way to learn programming is hands-on we'll then move on to creating our very own Twitter Bots!
Very basic knowledge of Python is expected. I'd recommend Learn Python The Hard Way since that is what I used way back in 2011 but it appears to have become non-free since then.
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