Workshop on Heightening Emotional AI
Session Leaders: Chris Kiritz
Tags: ##AI • ##Emotional AI • ##workshop • ##DIY • ##biotech
Created By: Chris Kiritz

It is said that eyes are the windows to the soul. The human eye and the surrounding nerves and muscles are capable of silently expressing dozens of complex emotions to the observer. This emotional communication occurs regardless of whether the participants are aware of it consciously or not. It is also a well know fact that smiling, even forcing a fake one, can trick your brain into a state of happiness and also be beneficial to ones health! From a technological perspective the application of these two very well studied phenomenon has barely begun to be realized.
This workshop will showcase the concept behind a patent pending invention I am involved in that is aimed at marrying together the current state-of-the-art of Emotional AI, which is 100% focused on automatically "reading" human emotions, and "writing" emotional via noninvasive light energy signatures. The eventual goal is the first full emotionally aware feedback loop. You're invited to come experience a taste of the future of emotional AI.
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