Who Am We? | Genetic Genealogy in the 21st Century
Session Leaders: Marilyn Nance
Tags: #genealogy • #humanism • #identity • #data
Created By: Marilyn Nance
My concept of family was very limited until I took that DNA test! I have cousins everywhere. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this, YOU are my cousin unless you can prove otherwise.
In my session, I'll show you how I'm learning via ancestry dot com, 23 and me, and Gedmatch tools.
Ancestry dot com is selling DNA kits for $69 if anyone is interested.
Once processed, you can download your DNA raw data and do stuff with it. The only thing I've done is to upload it to gedmatch.com which has some cool tools for analysis. I'm positive you'll think of some other ways to use your data.
I'll try to answer any questions you may have about DNA testing and genetic genealogy.
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KMM • June 14, 2018, 2:03 pm
I\'m not sure I can make it at this time, but I\'d LOVE to know more about the privacy considerations... I bought 23 and me and Ancestry kits as holiday gifts but have yet to use my own for fear of how they are - or could be - used.
Vanessa Dine • June 16, 2018, 10:10 am
Conflicting sessions! Sorry to miss \'Who Am We?\'!
Marilyn Nance • June 16, 2018, 4:58 pm
Suggested by one of the session participants: https://www.sfc.edu/news-feed/~post/imperceptible-privilege-examining-how-whites-talk-about-race-20171222