Groove 101 - Learn about Groove and improve your Projects

"There's a certain groove you pick that makes the music flow, and when you have it it's in your pocket. It's the feeling behind the rhythm... to me, the hardest thing to strive for is that feeling, behind the groove." Max Weinberg
I like to introduce you to the Concept of Groove and show how this can help to improve your visual/timebased Projects.
The core of music is tension and release. Its like breathing. Music starts to breath and resonate when it finds this captivating balance between tension and release.
We will look at Concepts used in Arranging and Composition that help to build up tension and release like: - Motive Development - Layering - Foreshadowing - Rhytmic Displacement
We will also groove by doing some fun exercises.
At the end we will have an open discussion and share some experiences, and see if you can transfer these concepts into your Projects.
I might show some concepts applied in photoshop, that relates to my artistic work using some of the concepts back in the year 1999. Later on I discovered that this looks a lot like generative design.
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Rudi-Renoir • June 21, 2018, 9:20 am
PDF of Präsentation is in Google Docs: