Sustainable Crafting, Production and Consumption
Session Leaders: DanielRyanJ
Tags: #fashion • #sustainability • #tech • #biotech • #design
Created By: DanielRyanJ
In this session, I hope to shed light on what it means to be a sustainable consumer and maker.
We will discuss the following:
What does it really mean to be sustainable in life and in craft?
How to focus your passion to heal the world into your daily life choices.
Who is doing what and how do we really know it isn't all BS?.
New sustainable materials (Biotech!)
My hope is that you will come out of this session with: -a better understanding of what sustainability means to you -resources for sustainable consumption -resources for sustainable production -list of organizations who are working to give consumers better options -tools to help you make informed decisions
Lastly, I would like to hear your thoughts on what sustainable technology can look like in the future!
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Chris Davis • June 19, 2018, 6:35 pm
Here are links on Biomimicry and Biophilia...
....and Urban Greenprint - urban design on biomimicry...