ITP Camp 2018

Programable Room Workshop w/ Recurse Alumni Jonathan Dahan

Living Room: a system designed by Recurse alumni Jonathan Dahan, which makes a room within Recurse’s HQ, physically programmable. Living Room is made up of a projector, some cameras, and a database. It can recognize physical objects and can project onto the wall in response to what it sees. Living Room is inspired by Realtalk (a computing system being built at Dynamicland, a genuinely different and exciting community center in Oakland), Natural Language Datalog, and Linda.

Living Room has the potential to make collaborative working spaces into richer experiences. A physically programmable space at ITP will make it easier to see what projects other ITP'rs are working on, and will make it more likely that projects persist from one batch of ITP camp to the next.

Katherine Ye (S’13) started a research blog where she, Jonathan, and other Recursers working on the project are keeping their notes.

Jonny Dubowsky’s research into Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Sharing and the coordination of shared resources will serve as a thread to connect this workshop to several ongoing research grants which are geared toward nurturing the development of a knowledge commons. Participants of this workshop will have the opportunity to explore this project beyond the scope of ITP camp.

This workshop will be co-hosted by Josh Schneier and Jonny Dubowsky. Josh has been in contact with Jonathan Dahan, but we want to make sure there are at least 15 people interested in attending.


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