Session Leaders: Michael Simpson
Tags: #openframeworks • #computer graphics • #creative coding • #art and code • #hands-on
Created By: Michael Simpson

openFrameworks is an amazingly powerful open source C++ toolkit for creative coding. However, C++ can be a difficult barrier to entry for those unfamiliar making openFrameworks harder to get into than other platforms! But, I don't think it needs to be that way. Let's flip the script and look at an understandable process for getting started and then diving in!
This workshop will present openFrameworks as something approachable. We'll get up and running quickly and I will walk the group through my understanding and process of how to best learn and use openFrameworks.
This workshop assumes no prior familiarity with openFrameworks and will leave participants with the knowledge and path for getting started and continuing. Some prior programming experience will be extremely helpful since we won't have time to cover all things in details but, even without, this session will really help give people an understanding of what openFrameworks is and isn't and how it might be useful to them in the future.
The format of the workshop will be a combination of lecture and hands-on examples that we will dive into together as we build up the basic skeleton of sketch.
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