3D from 2D: Intro to Pressfitting and Laser-Cutting Fabrication Tips
Session Leaders: Jane Shmushkis
Tags: #Lasercutter • #rapidprototyping • #fabrication • #manufacturing • #hardware • #acrylic • #3dprinting
Created By: Jane Shmushkis

UPDATE 10:24AM: 4th floor is closed right now. Moving this to 10:30 for now, but may start even later depending on when floor opens. Feel free to join when you get in!
Went to the laser-cutting training but don't know quite what to do next? Need some additional guidance through your first laser-cut? Don't know what pressfitting is?
This session will give you the tips and tricks you need to start designing parts for the lasercutter and rapidly prototype with this amazing tool. We'll go through some online tools to help you design your parts and talk about when it is best to use the lasercutter (as opposed to other fabrication methods).
The first hour will be a slideshow and lecture style. Second hour (onwards) we'll start designing parts and head to the lasercutters!
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