Launch Weekend: Intro to p5.js
Session Leaders: Joel Swanson
Tags: #launch weekend • #all camp activity • #p5js • #creative coding • #javascript • #programming
Created By: Arielle Hein
p5.js is a JavaScript library that enables you to easily add animation, sound, and interactivity to your web pages. p5.js shares the same goal as Processing: to allow artists, designers, and beginner coders a way to quickly and easily sketch and prototype their ideas in code. This workshop will cover the basics of p5.js.
The format of this session will be a short lecture followed by a hands-on group activity. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop.
Open to Campers of all backgrounds and skill levels, although the emphasis of this workshop will be on fundamental programming concepts.
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Julia afonso • June 3, 2018, 12:19 pm
Great class. Can you post the slides? :)