Sunday Tarot: Collaborative storytelling with oracle decks
Session Leaders: Allison Parrish
Tags: #fortunetelling • #divination • #tarot • #occult
Created By: Allison Parrish
Tarot reading is a kind of collaborative storytelling in which two individuals help one another build a narrative from set of symbols and tropes, randomly drawn from the Tarot deck. A Tarot reading is very similar to talk therapy or collaborative storytelling games. In this session, I'll show you a bit about the symbolism, semiotics and structure that surround the Tarot and similar divination techniques, and introduce the basic mechanics of being both the querent and the reader in a Tarot reading, skills which you'll immediately practice in the workshop with your fellow participants. Arrive with an ~open mind~ and a Tarot deck. (I'll have a handful of decks to loan out, but probably best if you buy/borrow your own.)
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