Intro to making music with Ableton Live

I did this class last summer... people seemed to enjoy it, so here's another one for anyone who wasn't there (or wants a refresher)!
After a brief intro into what makes Ableton unique among Digital Audio Workstations, we'll dive right into making some music. Towards the end of class, we'll explore using iPhones to remotely control parameters in Ableton.
This class is geared towards Ableton beginners, at any level of musical ability.
Before class, please:
-Download and run the Ableton free trial version. It's big-ish, so don't wait until class to download.
-Download these files I've prepared
-iPhone users, please download this free app
Bring headphones/earbuds
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EMEKA C PATRICK • June 3, 2018, 11:39 pm
Hi all, realized I’m missing tomorow’s class due to a friend’s wedding dinner. Wondering if anyone might be recording the class?
Michael Zhao • June 4, 2018, 4:27 pm
Hi, I\'m missing this class as well because I\'m sick but I really want to take part. If anyone is recording the class and can share, I\'d really appreciate it.