ITP Camp 2018

Sessioned tagged "space"

Tuesday, June 19

The Digital Public Space

11am-12:30pm Room 15 Leaders: Arantxa Araujo

#public space #digital #participatory performance #art #self guided #city as site #nyc

7 RSVPs Openings 0 Waitlisted

Wednesday, June 20

#metal #3d printing #metal 3d printing #space

50 RSVPs 0 Openings 11 Waitlisted

Monday, June 25

After ITP Camp

7-8pm Room 50 Leaders: Anthony Bui Roland

#discussion #nyc #nyu #aftercamp #makerspace

28 RSVPs Openings 0 Waitlisted

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Note: Session times in red are overlapping previous sessions at the same location. This is not good!