Sit, Sip, Stitch n' Bitch
Session Leaders: Emily J Gertz
Tags: #2022 • #fun • #play • #knitting • #sewing • #textiles • #beginner • #advanced • #wearables • #tangibles
Created By: Emily J Gertz

Grab a cup of coffee and bring your yarn, thread, fabric, grommets, glue guns, sewn circuits and other textile-related handwork to this casual gathering.
This will be an opportunity to chat and collaborate peer-to-peer. I can help folks with basic knitting, sewing and mending skills and questions. I'll bring samples of knitting tools, yarns, patterns and publications for folks to check out.
Location: gather by Counselor HQ and we’ll grab a table nearby for the session.
If you are in search of supplies not already available on the ITP floor, here are a couple options in reasonable walking distance:
- Blick Art Materials at 41 Flatbush Ave. should have a small selection of basic, inexpensive knitting and sewing supplies. I suggest calling ahead to make sure they have what you're looking for on hand.
- Woolyn, at 105 Atlantic Ave., is a great independent local yarn shop that carries basic as well as more elevated yarn craft materials for knitting, crochet and spinning.