ITP Camp 2023

p5.js as an anti-pattern

Date: June 15, 2023 2-4pm

Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)

Tags: #code #programming #p5.js #git #html/css

Learn how to incorporate p5.js into your own websites! Using the global vs. instance mode that links multiple p5 sketches into a single webpage and playing to create beautiful websites! We will have a brief review session that will cover git and Github (a "version control" software), p5 basics, reviewing HTML/CSS, and pulling it all together by hosting it all online via Github pages.

Coding experience is not necessarily required but any type of prior knowledge would be helpful. If you already have p5 sketches that you would like to use it would be welcome as well! If you are looking to learn p5 from scratch, I recommend Dave's section:

You will be required to make a Github account if you don't already have one.

A note on the title of this session -- anti-patterns are defined in software engineering as a "bad" solution to a problem. I believe that when we code in creative ways, we aren't necessarily trying to make the most efficient solution; we are pushing our own boundaries to convey our ideas! Creativity is not a linear path. By subscribing to become an "anti-pattern", we choose to be more intentional with our art. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️