ITP Camp 2023

Interactive Design Exploration with TouchDesigner and Kinect

Date: June 14, 2023 1-2pm

Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)

Tags: #Kinect

This workshop will guide participants through the world of spatial interactivity using TouchDesigner and Kinect. Designed for beginners interested in interactive design and new media art, we will use one or two case studies to familiarize participants with the tools and techniques. Participants will learn to connect Kinect with TouchDesigner and use it to create their own interactive visual effects. The goal is for each participant to produce a simple, but interactive, project by the end of the session.

For this workshop, you are required to bring a PC ( not mac) . We will be using Kinect 2.0 as the tool for our session. You can be borrowed from the Equipment Room (ER).

***Have to cap this at 20 for Kinect sake