ITP Camp 2023

P5 Creative Coding Bootcamp - Session 4 - Randomness and Algorithms

Date: June 20, 2023 2-4pm

Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)

Tags: #p5.js #creative coding #intro to code

Have you always wished you could quickly write code to prototype ideas quickly?

From the Processing Foundation, p5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, and anyone else!

The P5 Creative Coding Bootcamp is a four-session workshop taught by David Stein, an Adjunct Professor at NYU and City Tech and a 2023 graduate of ITP. With a goal to introduce attendees to basic coding concepts, Dave will cover a variety of creative techniques such as color, randomness, repetition, animation, and interaction as a way to both learn coding and gain artistic inspiration. The bootcamp is designed for both novices to programming as well as people who want to become more familiar with P5.

The bootcamp requires no prior knowledge of programming. Duration: 4 - two hour workshops over 2 1/2 weeks

Session 1 - Shapes and Color (June 7)

Session 2 - Repetition and Animation (June 12)

Session 3 - Interaction (June 14)

Session 4 - Randomness and Algorithms (June 20)

RECOMMENDED: Learning to code takes time. we are attempting to include half a semester of material within 4 classes. Although not required, it is highly recommended that you watch selected sections of the Coding Train Code! content prior to the workshop. (We realize this is short notice to watch 90 minutes of video and not all of you will have time, but for maximum impact, watching coding train will make you a better coder)

(Selected Videos to watch before the session will be posted shortly)