ITP Camp 2023

Ghost Stories: The Art of Narrative

Date: June 14, 2023 4:30-5:30pm

Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)

Tags: #narrative #immersiveexperiences #stories #interactive

What is narrative? Why does it matter? If you've been curious about incorporating narrative into your work in some way shape or form, this is the hour for you!

In this workshop, we'll gather around the campfire and talk about 'Ghost stories', whether our own past, a story that has impacted us, or a narrative we think is so powerful that we want to share with the world. How do we know what to share? How do we choose the medium? Is there a right way? No, but there are some ways, so let's get together and talk about it!

*Bonus point - if you incorporate storytelling into your work, bring them and share if you'd like! ** If you're interested in incorporating narrative into installation and large scale work, it is recommended you take this workshop in tangent to Spatial Symphony.