ITP Camp 2023

Algorithmic Humor (Algorithms 101 and how to break them)

Date: June 20, 2023 2-3:30pm

Format: Hybrid (In-person with online access)

Tags: #algorithms #data structures #humor #funny #joke #algorithm

Algorithms are a series of steps to do a thing. These days people are really into using algorithms to "be useful" and "solve problems." But algorithms don't have to be useful, efficient, or good. They can be pointless, stupid, and bad. And that's what this session is all about.

Join me on this beginner friendly (no coding necessary) introduction to algorithms and how to make bad ones.

I'll introduce you to and explain:

  • what an algorithm is

  • what, according to computer scientists, makes an algorithm efficient

  • a basic, good, sorting algorithm

  • an intentionally bad sorting algorithm

  • the algorithm behind my famous number jokes

You'll also get to write your own bad algorithm!

Perhaps in this age of ruthlessly capitalist algorithms that pursue money for their owners with the greatest possible efficiency, a dumb little algorithm that's designed to make a fool of itself is the hero we need.