ITP Camp 2023

Design and Build a Catapult: Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction

Date: June 26, 2023 4-5:30pm

Format: In-person only

Tags: #design #catapult #iteration

Let's step away from our screens and build something fun with our hands. For years, I taught a college class about the History of Design that concluded with a catapult project. Students would design and build a small catapult that had to have a certain minimum range, which required iteration and problem-solving.

In this workshop, we will work individually or in small groups (depending on how many participants sign up) to build small catapults from existing plans or from your own original design. After your catapults are built and tested, the fun really starts because we will end the workshop by firing salvos in the hallway.

Some materials will be provided (popsicle sticks, rubber bands, metal clips, hot glue guns, etc.) but feel free to bring your own materials, your creativity, and your siege mentality