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Emergent Strategy


“I often feel I am trapped inside someone else’s imagination, and I must engage my own imagination in order to break free” (18)

    • Q: Have you felt trapped inside someone else’s imagination? How have you broken free?
  • I have often felt this way growing up. I had felt as though the person that my parents have in their imagination of me, I had to strive to be. I always had to do beyond what was expected of me and nothing else. I often had gotten frustrated because, although I did want to do really well, the pressure became overwhelming. The way I had broken free from that imagination was to have deep conversations with my parents. The process is still ongoing but has improved greatly.

General Questions 

  • Q: Do artists, designers, and technology have that same or similar responsibility? What are the nuances between those roles?

Artists, designers, and technology do have a similar responsibility. Their responsibility is to create things that will impact future generations. Artists all try to create pieces that will be viewed as a start to a new era in art, whether it be digitally or physically. Designers are the same, fashion is constant and many are trying to create a piece that will stand out to make a new type of style in fashion. Technology is constantly updating to meet and surpass the expectations and reality of many. Each roll will continue to impact future generations.

3 thoughts on “Emergent Strategy”

  1. We have similar answers for the first question. I have the same feeling as you when I grow up. I am so glad that having conversations works for you since it didn’t work for me. Since whatever I said, they treated it as a young kid’s childish words. And sometimes their words hurt a lot. 🙁 I have to live away from them to prove I can have a good life with my own path, and somehow, it works. Wish you good luck and all the conversations can go well!

  2. I also feel similarly about the idea of having to live up to someone else’s expectations. I never really thought of it as being trapped in their imagination, but it really makes sense!

  3. Artists’ and designers’ “responsibility is to create things that will impact future generations.” I’d like to interrogate this a bit –
    1. Does art (and artists) need to have a specific purpose? Who decides? Is there a hierarchy or how is purpose validated/assessed?
    2. What motivations/power structures might be behind striving for “new”?

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