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Emergent Strategy

  • Q: Have you felt trapped inside of someone else’s imagination? How have you broken free?

Yes, I think I’ve been trapped inside my parents’ imagination for at least ten years. It forces me to be an “ideal daughter” who should have a high GPA, choose a good person with a high salary to be my husband after graduation, and put others’ thoughts and emotions in a higher priority.  I do not “break” free. I just build up my own imagination of who I am by asking myself: what do you want to hear from your friends and families about yourself at your funeral? When my parents found that I could live happily within my imagination, their imagination became the same as mine.

  • Q: Do you find any of these principles more challenging to achieve than others in your own creative practice? How?

For me, “Move at the speed of trust” is the most difficult one to achieve. Under the definition of the speed of trust, speed goes up when trust goes up in a “relationship.” However, a “relationship” is not a one-sided thing. Usually, I can trust my partner/teammate, but they cannot trust me easily. It’s hard for me to gain others’ trust. What’s more, I am easily inferior, so trusting myself is also difficult for me. As a result, the relationship of trust cannot build up quickly, and the speed of trust doesn’t show up in the end.

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