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class1:Space and yoga

When I first saw my title “space”, I thought of broad space, such as blue sky, white clouds, sea and universe. Then I went to Wikipedia.” Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.[1] In classical physics, physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions, although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of a boundless four-dimensional continuum known as spacetime.” Wikipedia systematically popularizes the concept of space mainly from the physical level. Of course, it also mentions the concept of space in psychology. I think that space can be divided into two types: external, physical space and internal, psychological space. The next topic I want to discuss in detail is yoga, which is a kind of movement combining external and internal space.


At first, I was very confused about the relationship between yoga and space. Later, I went to make an in-depth investigation and found that modern yoga actually originated from a religion with a history of more than 5000 years. The overall philosophy of yoga is about connecting the mind, body, and spirit, creating a space within the body by stretching and lengthening body parts


I have followed the tutorial on YouTube for several sections, and I really have a very obvious feeling. I feel my muscles expand. In the process of exercise, I breathe in and out rhythmically, then empty my brain and close my eyes to feel that the whole world is open, but the space I am in has not changed.

Follow up

The feeling that Yoga brings to me is very unique, which is difficult to express in words. I was wondering whether it could be presented visually, or even in some interactive form.

I have drawn a demo.

1 thought on “class1:Space and yoga”

  1. Based on what we covered in class today, I am curious about the system that Yoga fits in to in a broader sense (not the system of the body but seeing “yoga” itself as a node). You mention “a religion” – I’d like to know more specifically what religion and how this practice is associated with it (i.e. what the practice is meant to achieve). What aspects of the practice might be in conflict with the original intention?

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