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Emergent Strategy Response


Do you find any of these principles more difficult to achieve than others in your own creative practice? How?

Out of all the principles that Brown uses in her study of emergent strategy, the principle that I personally think is most difficult to achieve is “Less prep, more presence.” I think that this phrase is a reminder that sharing our work is equal, if not more, important than doing the work itself. Without sharing our work, we do not receive the feedback we need change and grow. Oftentimes, I feel that I spend too much time preparing a creative project, rather than showing it to my peers and to the world. I think that it is caused by fear of judgement. Overcoming that fear is the stepping stone to producing work that is personal and meaningful.


How would you define emergence? What is its opposite?

According to the Oxford Language, the word “emergence” is defined as the process of coming into view or becoming exposed after being concealed. In the context of the reading, “emergence” is the phenomenon where behaviors are formed when parts of a system interact—behaviors that they would not otherwise do alone. For example, at a biological level, water is formed when oxygen and hydrogen atoms interact. Then puddles, pools, rivers, and oceans can be formed when water molecules interact. This thinking could also be applied at a social level also, where humans can come together and find a common purpose to create a community and accomplish things they could not do alone. I think the opposite of “emergence” would be

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