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Topic 1 Form Analysis: Coat of Arms

  • Physical Form: Mini booklet or Zine


Q1: Why this form? What are its features (stylistic, experiential)

I prefer to use non-digital format to provide the guide users with a more direct interaction with coat of arms, which reflects heritage and tradition.


Q2:How is this form typically used, and what do you plan to subvert/imitate/utilize?

This form as a guide can give users direct and clear messages in a relaxing and amiable tone.


Q3: What would change if you tried a different form? What critical lens does the form you’re applying emphasize?

I also thought of a webpage version. In that case, there could be more interactions in designing the emblem.


Q4: Is there a metaphor well-suited to your form (i.e. cooking with code)? Or, are there other metaphors you might employ?

The metaphors could be self-recognition: Know yourself. Or family inheritance can be another metaphor.




1 thought on “Topic 1 Form Analysis: Coat of Arms”

  1. I especially like the sample on the right – it’s whimsical and it adds a sense of play to a topic (Coat of Arms) that general does not encompass that tone.

    What is your critical framework for this topic?

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