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Interview Topic One

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I interviewed one of my high school classmates who is working in the airport as a “bird killer”. He is working in this position since the airport was established. When I wanna start my interview post he is the first person who pops into my mind.

Based on your experience How many will be killed by you per day?

Come on! I am not a real killer, ok? I don’t kill birds.Kill birds cannot make air-plane safe. we currently using different technology  now.

So, what is the standard that can make sure air-plane can get safe departure or landing process. 

Based on Chinese air regulations. have to make sure, (airport as the center) make sure within radium 3 km have no birds. when air plane take off about 100 meter height, when air plane during landing about 60 meter height from the ground is the most dangerous situation to get birds accidents.

What are the main strategies we are using right now?

Currently Biological control technology is the main method, any others like sound, or visual methods  just always stand by as plan B for us. but now people and goverment considering harms birds and environment system, so

Why can’t have birds around airport?

Because of the safety. every year there is over 10,000 cases air accident in the planet, about 20% are made by birds. Ok! like make a quick demonstration for you, if unfortunately the plane and the bird hit up when them flying on their regular routes. From the point of view of physics, if a bird weighing 500 grams hit with an aircraft with a speed of 370 kilometers/ H, it will produce an impact force of 3 tons. Such a huge impact force may cause serious safety problems, and the aircraft will inevitably be damaged. Big mess.

Are you feel guilty when you have to kill birds. 

Yes, of course, but this is my duty, also I can give up over hundred life to save a bird.



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