1. Anthropological: Study Socialization of human
Affinity / Consanguinity ; Family / marriage; Fictive kinship
Entity (border definition): cultural / Ontological origin / historical / social connections and shared characteristics (same-sex parenting / religious / godparents )
Biology: Coefficient relationship/consanguinity or genealogy.
“consanguinity basis for kinship ties is not universal across cultures, it may be a culturally specific symbol of kinship only in particular cultures”
2. Kinship across species/ Primates
domestication & loving kinship with other species
anthropocentric, anthropomorphic perspective of kinships
Human exceptionalism: “What we see in other species, then, becomes a reflection not of their own ways of being in the world per se, but rather a claim to human exceptionalism.” (Riggs, Damien W., and Elizabeth Peel. Critical Kinship Studies: An Introduction to the Field, 2016. )
3. Post-humanist kinship VS western human kinship
Grafting (Science and technology)
Definition by Wikipedia, “graft” or “grafting” may refer to definitions within different contexts. The word may refer to 1. a form of political corruption 2. clinical term of a surgical procedure 3. A process to improve decision trees commonly used in computer science 4. A horticultural technique, etc.
My research is mainly oriented toward its definition’s horticultural and botanical side.
Board aspect: Grafting (inosculation) is the joining of plant tissues
– Tissues of plants are joined so as to continue their growth together.
Natural & Artificial
- natural grafting: roots/branches of the same species will sometimes naturally graft
Advantageous: fire resistance / regeneration / protect from wind damages
Problems: plant parasitism/transmission of pathogens
- artificial grafting
Advantageous: disease-resistant / domesticate plants
commonly used in asexual propagation of commercially grown plants
Graft chimera
“Such a plant can produce flowers and foliage of both plants as well as shoots intermediate between the two.” ( +Laburnocytisus ‘Adamii’)
– Grafting can potentially make a new species, a form of natural genetic engineering.
domestication of plants
To achieve desired quality (long-live, harvest, etc )
(Some of the examples that I found from Wikipedia)
“By 500 BCE grafting was well established and practiced in the region as the Mishna describes grafting as a commonplace technique used to grow grapevines.[24]” – Fertile Crescent history
“Evidence for grafting in China is found in Jia Sixie’s 6th century CE agricultural treatise Qimin Yaoshu ” – China 2000 BC
“influx of foreign ornamentals to decorate these gardens, grafting was used much during this period.” – Arabic regions
“French Wine Pandemic”, a grafting history of American and French grapevine
Going into branches of these two keywords, I found the concept of “domestication” appears in both and may further lead the research.
– “Domestication of animals” and building kinship with other species
– “Domestication of plants” to achieve better qualities for human usage