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Assignment 1 – Final


  • The Guide of “Code” of Arms 

         Form: Mini booklet


  • Intentions for the Guide

As an entry level guide, it is for people who don’t know about Coat of Arms, but have interest in it. It starts with the question of Coat of Arms or “Code” of Arms to intrigue readers’ interest to keep exploring. Then it introduces the origin, history and components of Coat of Arms.

After that, the guide also introduces another type of Coat of Arms in Asia – Mon in Japan, and set up a “Bonus Why” question to deep dive the topic – what is the system was Coat of Arms based on? 

At last, the guide gives a brief about how to make your own one – a simple version with contemporary icons.

Another fun part of this guide is that you can open it, and on the other side of the paper there is a step-by-step guidance for making a Code of Arms.

  • Research

Firstly, I googled online to start my initial research, which gave me a general idea what is Coat of Arms. At the 2nd week, I created a concept mapping to help sort out the relationship of concepts of my research topic, then I better understood the concepts and scope of my final deliverables.

To get a better idea about how to design an emblem, I interviewed a professional designer and illustrator, which was helpful for me to find out an approachable way for designing the emblem. (

I got some problem in figuring out a metaphor for my topic. Thanks to instructor’s guide, finally we found that “Code” is a good metaphor. On one side, Coat of Arms itself is a kind of code.On the other side, with the development of society, Coat of Arms has been evolved and can be in a contemporary design.

  • Bibliography

Design Your Own Coat of Arms: An Introduction to Heraldry

The Mon – Japanese Coats of Arms – Pro Heraldica (

7 thoughts on “Assignment 1 – Final”

  1. Super cool metaphor and story-telling in the guide! Both the target audience and instructions are super clear. I’m excited to hear more about it in your presentation!

  2. This turned out so well, Yinyi! I love that you included the “Bonus Why?” section – this was one of the pieces that I found most interesting when you told us about your research, so I’m really glad you were able to find a way to include this question in the final guide. I also think that they way you added the centralized/decentralized visualization on this page was really helpful in distilling a really big topic into a succint, easy to ready page.

  3. Hi Yinyi! This pamphlet is so exquisite Ha ha ha ha! Like a simple desktop game, I think it is suitable for a family to play with children at home and create a family crest of their own. I recently played a switch game called Flame Emblem. There are about 20 different family emblems in it, so I feel very kind when I see your brochure now! Look forward to your speech!

  4. Hi Yinyi, your booklet is really well organized and detailed. I fully understood what you wrote on your guide. The design of your booklet is also very elaborate. At the end of your guide, you made a very clear instruction of how to make our own “code of Arms”. It reminds me the books that I read when I was a child. It is meaningful and educational. Also, I am curious about the texture of your paper, how you print them and where you get this type of paper? I really like the paper texture’s feeling which is different from A4 paper for printing.

  5. Love the content and typography! Well organized, elegant and inspiring.
    As you mentioned hierarchy and identity, several questions were raised in my mind: Why did they use coat of arms to identify themselves. Do we still have to identify in modern society? What plays the same role as coat of arms today? And the visualization of different social structures gives me a great angle to think about it. Again, congratulations!

  6. Congratulation on your final deliverable! Neat and functional, I would love to print out some copies and “design” some of my own.
    One thing I love about your guide is its functionality, meaning that it’s not only educational but also practicable. Though a pamphlet is a traditional form of delivery, within your guide, I can see its interactive nature for users to consider why would someone from a hundred years before needed a “coat of arms”.
    The overall look feels complete. The black and white outlines make the text and image clear and easy to read.

  7. I really like your project, because of the mini size, and the form style that you used. the structures you make are just so clear, and easy to understand. I like the lens you see through the topic. and the way you delivery your attitude. great job. congratulations!!

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