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Everything is cosmetic

My interest in the topic of cosmetics is that I think that everything is cosmetics.

Cities are made up under the guidance of urban planners, public opinion is made up under the whitewashing of politicians, and history books are made up under the corruption of the rulers of all dynasties…

I decided to make a magazine that allows the audience to watch the makeup effects of cities, history, public opinion, and food just like before and after makeup.


The magazine page:


2 thoughts on “Everything is cosmetic”

  1. Hi Xinran!

    First, I really like the concept behind this project. The research is detailed, and there’s a lot of information. My main critiques are:

    1) It doesn’t quite read like a magazine. Maybe having a contents page, changing up the layout for a more clear visual spread, and updating the font/having font variation might make it clearer that its a magazine. Right now it kind of feels presentation-ish.
    2) I feel a bit of information overload. There’s a lot going on and not a lot of separation or focus. Maybe having 1 article with 1 title and image might make things a bit more manageable.

    Also, I think magazine was a great choice! Another route to take it might have been a cosmetics “ad” placement for a magazine that highlights your point of view.

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